Convening Toolkit
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Join us in shaping the Universal DPI Safeguards, an important initiative dedicated to building safe and inclusive societies that harness the positive potential of digital technologies. You can contribute to this valuable process by convening interested stakeholders in your community and contributing to the development of the Universal DPI Safeguards Framework or adopting safeguards in your country/region.
We’re ready and eager to listen, learn, and actively build on your inputs and experiences.
We invite governments, civil society, private sector and anyone who recognizes themselves as responsible authorities to help develop or adopt the Universal DPI Safeguards Framework by bringing the voices of your communities through convenings. Whether it is a group of respected individuals in a country or a coalition of stakeholders such as state entities, government agencies, multilateral organizations, civil society, funders, or the private sector, your active participation is highly welcome.
Digital technologies provide new means to exercise human rights. Yet, they also pose inherent risks in their interactions with society's political, economic, and socio-cultural underpinnings. The Universal DPI Safeguards initiative places an emphasis on promoting human dignity and agency in an era of digital interdependence, closely aligning with the mission of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The initiative seeks to establish the guardrails within which digital technologies can serve the public good.
To ensure we meet these objectives, we are creating an open space for collaboration through convenings. Your insights and contributions will shape the development of the Framework, adoption of the framework in countries, ensuring it is truly inclusive, adaptable, relevant, and representative of diverse contexts and concerns from around the world. Don't miss this opportunity to join the conversation and drive meaningful change.
The end goal is for safeguards to be adopted in countries through implementation of the process, practise or principles recommendations in the Framework to address a broad spectrum of risks to individuals. The Framework is rooted in the International Human Rights framework and the goals of the global community, specifically the SDGs and the Roadmap for Digital Cooperation.
The Framework will aid in understanding the 'as-is' (capture issues of safety and inclusion ) or status quo and planning for the 'to-be’ (formal mechanism to and how to mitigate them) by using the resources available in Toolkits & Resources.