To know more about this phase of the DPI life cycle, click here
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F3.3 Identify and address end user/citizen needs
F3 Do not exclude
RI3 Exclusion
F1.3 Establish monitoring and mitigation teams
F1 Do no harm
SV 1 Digital distrust,
SV4 Technical shortcomings
F2.1 Implement alternative enrollment measures
F2 Do not discriminate
F3.3 Assess the interoperability system
SV3 Weak institutions,
F3.4 Develop alternative processes to allow access to services without requiring subscription to a DPI system
RI2 Unequal access
F3.5 Implement affirmative design measures
SV2 Weak rule of law
RI3 Exclusio
F4.5 Establish comprehensive auditing mechanisms
F4 Reinforce transparency and accountability
F4.6 Create stakeholder participation systems
F4.7 Ensure an auditable data trail for dispute redressal
RS2 Digital insecurity
RS4 Lack of recourse
F4.8 Provide clear definitions for key human rights terms so basic understanding of harms is inter-operable and can be benchmarked across systems.
RI4 Disempowerment
F6.3 Incorporate user choice mechanisms to participate
F6 Promote autonomy and agency
F6.4 Design user interfaces that empower data subjects with clear and continuous control over their data.
F7.3 Forward relevant stakeholder inputs to the DPI implementors.
F7 Foster community engagement
SV3 Weak institutions
F7.4 Sustain the participation of affected communities in the process by providing funding for the total cost of community engagment
RI2 Unequal access RI3 Exclusion
F8.3 Ensure that the DPI interface indicates the responsible public authority and their contact information for complaints and inquiries.
F8 Ensure effective remedy and redress
SV1 Digital distrust
F9.4 Adopt common standards, conduct regular system integration tests, and ensure that redundant system operations are removed
F9 Focus on future sustainability
SV5 Unsustainability
F9.5 Conduct stringent security checks and vendor assessments
SV3 Weak institutions SV5 Unsustainability
F9.6 Encourage modular system design and support for multiple technologies.
F9.7 Adopt comprehensive procurement processes that prevent vendor lock in
SV4 Technical shortcomingsSV2 Weak rule of law
O1.4 Provide tools and support to enable integration and scalability
O1 Leverage market dynamics
O1.5 Develop an open access system with APIs, accountability, and fraud protections
RI3 ExclusionRS2 Digital insecurity
O2.2 Implement regular public consultations and review mechanisms.
O2 Evolve with evidence
RI3 Exclusion RI4 Disempowerment
O2.3 Design mechanisms to generate relevant data
SV3 Weak institutions SV4 Technical shortcomings
O2.4 Design feedback loops to address data inaccuracies and enable community reporting
RS2 Digital insecuritySV4 Technical shortcomingsSV 1 Digital distrust
O3.5 Integrate strict data minimization protocols into design
O3 Ensure data privacy by design
SV 1 Digital distrust
RS1 Privacy Vulnerability
O3.6 Establish multi-layered security controls to protect data throughout its lifecycle
RS1 Privacy Vulnerability SV4 Technical shortcomingsRI4 Disempowerment
O3.7 Undertake a Data Protection Impact assessments and legislative reforms prior to DPI roll out
RS1 Privacy Vulnerability SV2 Weak rule of law
O3.8 Enable third party audits
O3.9 Establish Robust Data Delinking Mechanisms once the purpose of the processing of personal information has been served
RS1 Privacy Vulnerability RS2 Digital insecurity
O3.10 Enable different levels of privacy between payer and payee, where appropriate.
RS2 Digital insecurityRS1 Privacy Vulnerability
O3.11 Implement symmetrical identification so users know the identity of the other party in a transaction.
O3.12 Implement and protect the right to pseudonymity within DPI systems, when applicable.
O3.13 Ensure that biometric authentication is not mandatory
RS1 Privacy Vulnerability SV4 Technical shortcomingsRI3 Exclusion
O4.8 Design specific security features to protect against unauthorized access and data breaches
O4 Assure data security by design